Sunday, March 02, 2008


BNPG Videoblogging Article

Our Mission

The Boston Neighborhood Producer’s Group (BNPG), Inc. mission is to inform, educate, and to get people involved in the public access television process.

What We Do

The BNPG places a great emphasis on members being actively involved in the activities of the group. Opportunities abound within the organization for members and supporters who seek something to do that will assist in moving the organization forward in its work.

Some of the activities that we do include producing our own public access television show called “The PAT Show.” This show focuses on public access and media related issues, as well as being used to spotlight individuals and organizations that are doing positive things in the community. We also produce our own public service announcements (PSA’s) using BNPG members and supporters as talent. These PSA’s are used by our producer members as program breaks during their shows.

In keeping with the spirit of public access, the group each year holds its “Celebration of Public Access” day event. Started by the BNPG several years ago, this community event is used as a way to introduce and educate people about public access, and is held in conjunction with our membership drive. Each year the group provides support to the city’s PBS station (WGBH) by providing it with volunteers during its pledge drive, this is one way we partner with and support and build relationships with other media-related organizations.

Our membership drives are an important activity that we engage in as we seek to grow the organization, and take on new challenges and opportunities. Another tool we use to reach potential new members is our website; this medium has allowed us to have another level of flexibility in the way we inform, educate, and get people involved in access. Four times a year the BNPG issues its quarterly newsletter to members and supporters of the organization. The newsletter is provided as a benefit to members that we are proud to offer and that helps keep members up-to-date with upcoming events and activities.

In addition to all the aforementioned tools, blogging has been the most recent addition to our communications media kit. And with so many ways and ideas on how this medium can be used it is with a sense of excitement that we use it Visit one of our blogs at: Whenever and as often as possible we want our members and supporters to see, as well as read about the good work we are doing, thus we have an active Yahoo Flickr account where visitors can see pictures of the activities that we are involved in. Go to and type in bnpg, you will see pictures of a blogging workshop that the organization sponsored at the University of Massachusetts (UMASS). We look to add additional pictures from other activities we’ve been involved with.

Meeting with members and supporters at our quarterly membership meetings is an ongoing activity that we use to discuss and plan for future goals for the organization. Between the newsletter, blogs, and website our out-of-state members and supporters can easily keep abreast of BNPG events and activities, also we can be emailed anytime or day with questions, comments, or suggestions.

We realize that some of our needs can only be met by local BNPG members, but for all other needs we seek your support.

Financial supporter. All funds received goes directly toward our group activities and events. The BNPG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so all your contributions are tax deductible.

Volunteer writers. Individuals who can provide media related articles and stories for our quarterly newsletter, or website. Email articles to: "" Please submit articles as a Word document.

BNPG Blog Update

The Boston Neighborhood Producer’s Group (BNPG) is continuing its expansion within the area of videoblogging. Commonly referred to as vlogs for short, videoblogging is another innovative way for the organization to fulfill its mission of informing, educating, and to getting people involved in the public access television (PAT) process.

The BNPG anticipates using this new tool to share information about who we are and what we do, but also about other media related subjects as well. We are excited about the opportunity of reaching a wider audience of people, and increasing our membership using the blog as a part our outreach work.

With our blogging committee now in place we look forward to posting video blogs produced by the organization, and by individual members; online public service announcements (PSA’s); clips from our television show (The PAT Show;) media tech stories, and clips from group activities and events. The blogging committee will soon be crafting an outline containing guidelines surrounding the requirements, use, function, and restrictions surrounding the use of the blog by members and others. Feedback from members and non-members is invited and encouraged, we need your feedback in order to measure the effectiveness and usage this new tool.