Monday, August 21, 2006


BNPG on Flickr

The BNPG is on Flickr! What is Flickr? It's a great way to share photos, but this is too simple an answer that does not adequately explain how this exciting new web tool can be used. For the BNPG it's another way to share with members, supporters, and the community what we are doing as an organization. It is said that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, well then the BNPG has a lot to say then, and expect to see more pictures very soon. View our Flickr photo gallery, simply click on one of the photos located to the left. Please feel free to leave a comment on our Flickr page, your comments are always welcome.

To see the photos, click on the link "BNPG is on Flickr"!
Colin, I modified the link so that the link would open up the Flickr page in its own browser window. I want the BNPG blog page to remain open so visitors won't have to retype or hit the back button to get back to the BNPG blog.

Sounds good. It's nice to see the pictures from the workshop.
Linda I received your logo and I reduce the file size from 1.3MB to 120KB. I will email you the reduced size logo and you can try to upload it. Call me and I can walk you through how to upload your picture.

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